To allow inwise to send emails on your behalf, you will have to add them to your SPF record. The SPF mechanism used by inwise is shown below.
include:emailv.com include:outbox.co.il
To configure inwise with DKIM you need to add a TXT record into your DNS with the following value:
v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC793APYZnw5lV8aZ1U9pAXaLP39V4JY6O6ehfkQBf4WvNsGHB/vBVfSW9xTikPYCJW3GPzqsr49FPXFiBvDFk4xJlw9ZEgNCwkiXOT1xiMSkorAH9tQvt8amo9/+jl9isGDTgzrC0fWr1UseFrUJpyuI497pBKYqxVjl+vn6yFuwIDAQAB
DKIM selector: idk
For more information please click the button below.
Create a free OnDMARC account to test your configuration.